Friday, October 23, 2020

Professional Learning Follow Up

We met with the Professional Development Steering Committee this week, and discussed the value of having time to collaborate and plan on Wednesdays this year.  We will continue to support teams with collaboration as well as provide learning opportunities as they meet your needs.  The committee responded to the survey below.  You are invited to add your ideas as well in the blog comments.

What types of professional learning would support your work right now? (choose your top 3) free polls
As a follow up to our pd last Friday, below is information on the sessions that were provided.  If you did not get the chance to attend sessions you were interested in, you may participate 'on-demand' as it works for you and your collaboration team. 

There is a page on the Southeast Polk Professional Development site dedicated to the October 16th professional learning.  

This page includes the presentation from the overview as well as recordings and support materials from the breakout sessions. The link above will take you to the following sessions.

Thank you for your engagement and feedback last Friday.  Please let us know if we can provide follow up support for any of these learning sessions. 

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the time you are allowing us to work with our colleagues. I really wish there was more content in the district PD that is geared towards PreK-K. There was only 1 session that I felt was appropriate for preschoolers.
