Thursday, June 1, 2017

June 2 Professional Development

Professional Development Schedule for June 2, 2017

Congratulations on a successful school year!  The impact of your work is so important to the students we serve.  Your efforts and dedication are very much appreciated.  

Below is the schedule for professional learning for June 2.

Morning: 8:00-11:30

Elementary teachers who teach or support literacy instruction will attend a session on the new ELA materials.  The locations are listed below:

Grade Location
Kindergarten Clay
1st Grade Centennial 
2nd Grade Altoona
3rd Grade Four Mile
4th Grade Delaware
5th Grade Willowbrook

Support teachers have received locations from curriculum coordinators.  Please contact us if you are unsure of where you should attend.  Please bring a charged device and items for notetaking.  If you piloted Wonders at K-2 or ReadyGen at 3-5, please bring your teacher materials for unit 1. Representatives from both companies will be available to distribute and overview the new materials and we will begin promptly at 8:00.  

Preschool teachers will report to the TLRC. Elementary teachers who do not teach or support literacy instruction will meet with their job-alike PLC's to work on proficiency scales, unit designs, or assessments.

Secondary teachers will report to their buildings for next steps related to standards-based learning.

Afternoon: 12:30-3:00

All teachers please report to your buildings for work on school improvement planning.  If you serve multiple buildings, please report to the building you attend on Monday or the building designated by your principal or a curriculum coordinator.

We are looking forward to a day of learning that will provide support as we look forward to the 2017-2018 school year.  Have a wonderful, relaxing, and well-deserved summer break!