Monday, March 29, 2021

Wednesday PD: Content and Practice of ISASP

This Wednesday's professional learning will focus on the content and practice of ISASP. Information and the Zoom links are below.

March 31st

Content and Practice of ISASP
This session will review the practice tests and rubrics that are available on the Pearson Access site. Best practices for use and communication will be shared. We will also review the ISASP Blueprint which reflects the content for each of the assessments.

2 repeat 1 hr. sessions: 7:30 AM, 2:30 PM
Facilitator: Jo Ellen Latham

Zoom Link: 7:30 AM

Zoom Link: 2:30 PM

Our next (and final session) will provide a review and updates of ISASP test administration. Stay tuned to the blog for the Zoom link.

April 7th/14th

Basic Test Administration
This session will review test administration and security policies, steps to take prior to testing, and directions for test administration, including how to start and stop an online session, monitoring student progress, and troubleshooting.

2 repeat 1 hour sessions: April 7th, 2:30 PM, April 14th, 7:30 AM.
Facilitator: Rob Timmins

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

ISASP: Accessibility and Accommodations Learning Session

ISASP allows some testing adjustments to meet the needs of individual students.  ISASP calls these testing adjustments Designated Features and Accommodations.   Special education roster teachers and building 504 coordinators will need to enter this information for students assigned to them into Infinite Campus. 

To complete this task special education teachers and 504 coordinators should first review the contents of each IEP and 504 plan and identify the state assessment testing changes already approved and listed in these documents.   Then review the ISASP: Accessibility and Accommodations Manual to familiarize yourself with ISASP approved Designated Features and Accommodations.  This document is linked below.  Then finally enter those testing changes that are listed in students IEPs and 504 plans and allowed by ISASP into Infinite Campus.  All testing changes must be entered into Infinite campus by no later than Friday, March 26. 

Given that we have only administered ISASP once, and it was cancelled last year due to the pandemic, we will be offering some virtual PD sessions prior to testing. Please check with your building principal to see which session(s) might be beneficial for your team.

Learning Session: March 24th

Accessibility and Accommodations
This session will provide a review of the universal features, designated features, and accommodations that are a part of ISASP administration. A process for entering this information into Infinite Campus will be shared.

2 repeat 1 hr. sessions: 7:30 AM, 2:30 PM
Facilitator: Charlie Taylor

Below are the Zoom links for this learning session. This session will also be recorded.

Session 1: 7:30 AM

Click this link to join

Session 2: 2:30 PM

Click this link to join

Iowa Maps for Classrooms

The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) creates the Iowa Transportation Map as a resource for public use. The map is used to locate various towns, cities, counties, and more in the state as people are planning trips, seeking a specific location, or as an overall view of the entire state. Due to COVID 19, the demand for maps decreased because of diminished travel in the state. As a result, the DOT has provided schools the extra maps to use in classrooms as a way for students to learn move how Iowa as well as reading and understanding a map. If you would like a map (or set of maps) to use in your classroom, please complete the form below. These maps are available on a first come, first serve basis. Thank you to the DOT for donating these maps to schools.

Iowa Maps Order Form

The maps have all been spoken for! We will let you know if we are able to secure more. Your interest is appreciated.

Upcoming ISASP Learning Sessions

March 31st
Content and Practice of ISASP
This session will review the practice tests and rubrics that are available on the Pearson Access site. Best practices for use and communication will be shared. We will also review the ISASP Blueprint which reflects the content for each of the assessments.

2 repeat 1 hr. sessions: 7:30 AM, 2:30 PM
Facilitator: Jo Ellen Latham

April 7th/14th
Basic Test Administration
This session will review test administration and security policies, steps to take prior to testing, and directions for test administration, including how to start and stop an online session, monitoring student progress, and troubleshooting.

2 repeat 1 hour sessions: April 7th, 2:30 PM, April 14th, 7:30 AM.
Facilitator: Rob Timmins

Zoom Links will be shared in the blog prior to the sessions.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

ISASP Updates and Professional Development

As you meet with families this week, I hope you have plans for some much deserved rest and relaxation next week.  When we return from Spring Break, we will be quickly preparing for ISASP administration.  As a reminder, below are the testing windows for the different grade levels:

  • Week of April 19th: Grades 9, 10, and 11

  • Week of April 26th: Grades 6, 7, 8

  • Week of May 3rd: Grades 3, 4, 5

Given that we have only administered ISASP once, and it was cancelled last year due to the pandemic, we will be offering some virtual PD sessions prior to testing. Please check with your building principal to see which session(s) might be beneficial for your team.

March 24th
Accessibility and Accommodations
This session will provide a review of the universal features, designated features, and accommodations that are a part of ISASP administration. A process* for entering this information into Infinite Campus will be shared.

2 repeat 1 hr. sessions: 7:30 AM, 2:30 PM
Facilitator: Charlie Taylor
*More information on this process may be found at the conclusion of the blog.

March 31st
Content and Practice of ISASP
This session will review the practice tests and rubrics that are available on the Pearson Access site. Best practices for use and communication will be shared. We will also review the ISASP Blueprint which reflects the content for each of the assessments.

2 repeat 1 hr. sessions: 7:30 AM, 2:30 PM
Facilitator: Jo Ellen Latham

April 7th/14th
Basic Test Administration
This session will review test administration and security policies, steps to take prior to testing, and directions for test administration, including how to start and stop an online session, monitoring student progress, and troubleshooting.

2 repeat 1 hour sessions: April 7th, 2:30 PM, April 14th, 7:30 AM.
Facilitator: Rob Timmins

Zoom Links will be shared in the blog when we return from Spring Break.

ISASP allows some testing adjustments to meet the needs of individual students.  ISASP calls these testing adjustments Designated Features and Accommodations.   Special education roster teachers and building 504 coordinators will need to enter this information for students assigned to them into Infinite Campus. 

To complete this task special education teachers and 504 coordinators should first review the contents of each IEP and 504 plan and identify the state assessment testing changes already approved and listed in these documents.   Then review the ISASP: Accessibility and Accommodations Manual to familiarize yourself with ISASP approved Designated Features and Accommodations.  This document is linked below.  Then finally enter those testing changes that are listed in students IEPs and 504 plans and allowed by ISASP into Infinite Campus.  All testing changes must be entered into Infinite campus by no later than Friday, March 26.