o Includes 8 video clips related to news coverage of September 11th. They are:
- WUSA News Coverage from the morning of September 11, 2001 (5 mins)
- Presidential Statement from the morning of September 11, 2001 (2 mins)
- President Bush, September 11, and Critical Decisions (3 mins)
- Photographer Doug Mills on Traveling with the President on September 11 (4 mins)
- Vice President Dick Cheney on September 11 (2 mins)
- New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani on September 11 (4 mins)
- New York City Resident's Witness Account (8 mins)
- President Obama's Remarks at the 2013 Pentagon Remembrance Ceremony (7 mins)
· Newseum
o Archive of Front Pages on September 11th (http://www.newseum.org/ todaysfrontpages/?tfp_display= archive-date&tfp_archive_id= 091201)
o Lesson Plan: Running Toward Danger (http://www. newseumdigitalclassroom.org/ digital-classroom/video/ running-toward-danger/default. aspx)
· Library of Congress September 11th Documentary Project (http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/ collections/911_archive/)
· 9/11 Commission Report (http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/ 07/22/9.11.full.report/)
· Teaching History (http://teachinghistory.org/ spotlight/september11)
· 9/11 Memorial Teaching Guides
o Teaching Guides (http://www.911memorial.org/ teaching-911)
o Primary Sources (http://www.911memorial.org/ 911-primary-sources)
· New York Times (http://learning.blogs. nytimes.com/2011/09/02/ resources-teaching-and- learning-about-911-with-the- new-york-times/)
· 9/11 Tribute Center (http://tributewtc.org/ education/resources)
Thank you, Eric, for helping to create a context for studying this event by sharing these pain-filled memories. There is a part of that day that can only be realized by people who experienced it directly. We appreciate this glimpse of insight.