Snow days are a part of Iowa and they often result in an unexpected change of plans. For the first time, we adapted our snow day to a virtual professional learning format, providing an opportunity to fulfill the contract day through the completion of required tasks as well as engagement and reflection on our instructional framework. We appreciated the input, feedback, and support of the PD Steering Committee and building and teacher leaders while we navigated both the flexibility and challenges of virtual learning.
As of today, 99% of teachers have completed the components of the virtual professional learning day!
Now we would like your feedback on the this day. How did the learning impact your thinking? What worked well in this format? What adjustments could be made if this format is considered in the future?
Please take a few minutes to provide your feedback on the form linked below. The information will be summarized and shared with the PD Steering Committee as well as building and teacher leadership in order to continue to grow and strengthen the pathways for professional learning.
SEP Virtual Learning Feedback Form
Thank you for your engagement, flexibility, and dedication to continuous growth.