Friday, February 28, 2025

Feedback on Virtual Learning Day

Snow days are a part of Iowa and they often result in an unexpected change of plans.  For the first time, we adapted our snow day to a virtual professional learning format, providing an opportunity to fulfill the contract day through the completion of required tasks as well as engagement and reflection on our instructional framework. We appreciated the input, feedback, and support of the PD Steering Committee and building and teacher leaders while we navigated both the flexibility and challenges of virtual learning. 

As of today, 99% of teachers have completed the components of the virtual professional learning day! 

Now we would like your feedback on the this day.  How did the learning impact your thinking? What worked well in this format? What adjustments could be made if this format is considered in the future?

Please take a few minutes to provide your feedback on the form linked below.  The information will be summarized and shared with the PD Steering Committee as well as building and teacher leadership in order to continue to grow and strengthen the pathways for professional learning. 

SEP Virtual Learning Feedback Form

Thank you for your engagement, flexibility, and dedication to continuous growth.

Friday, February 14, 2025

February Newsletter and Virtual Professional Learning

 This month's Teaching and Learning Newsletter includes updates on:

If you need further information or support, don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Teaching & Learning Team.

Virtual Professional Learning

During our snow day on Wednesday, we implemented a Virtual Professional Learning model to fulfill the contract for that day.  A big thank you to the Professional Development Steering Committee and the Teaching and Learning team for the work and feedback needed to implement this model.  The overall response has been very positive, and we will review data and feedback to determine advantages, limitations, and future possibilities.  Below is the link to the Virtual Learning Plan. As a reminder, the work should be completed off contract and submitted by the conclusion of the day on Wednesday, February 19th.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Improved Attendance at Southeast Polk!

We all realize that attendance has been a challenge since Covid, and we wanted to share some improvements in the data as we enter the month of February. 

Chronic Absenteeism is defined as missing 10% or more of school days for any reason.  Our chronic absenteeism for the month of January 2025 was 14%.  This is the lowest number we have seen since returning from Covid, as well as a 4% improvement from December, and a 7% improvement from this time last year!  
  • All 11 buildings improved their attendance as compared to December of 2024. 
  • All 11 buildings improved their attendance as compared to January of 2024
  • No building had above 20% chronic absenteeism.
  • 4 buildings had single digit chronic absenteeism
  • We narrowed the difference between SEP and the state from 5% to 3%.
  • Attendance improved for around 300 students as compared to last month.
  • Attendance improved for over 500 students as compared to last year
While we are still focusing on narrowing the gap with subgroups, we saw:
  • A 4% improvement for students receiving free and reduced lunch
  • A 6% improvement for students with individual education plans
We can't control illness, ways of getting to school, alarm clocks, etc., but as buildings have demonstrated, we can create a school environment that is welcoming, productive, and supportive.  We have great teaching at Southeast Polk, and we appreciate your efforts to ensure that more students are able to experience this and advance their learning.  This has been a districtwide effort, and we thank all who are working hard each day to support student attendance.