Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Elementary Collaboration: April 27th

We are looking forward to our elementary grade level collaboration that will be held this Wednesday, April 27th, from 2:30 PM-4:00 PM.  The focus of this collaboration will be around the teaching of social studies, and we will share input and feedback related to the sequence of units, unit design, and instructional materials.  

All classroom teachers will report to the High School Multipurpose Room.  You will want to arrive a bit before the start time in order to avoid the beginning of the high school dismissal traffic.  You have 2 options for parking--either on the north side of the building (use the east side main entrance) or the west side of the building (use the west side entrance). There will be plenty of parking available, but you may want to consider carpooling if possible.

Below are the locations for teacher collaboration groups for the afternoon.  We are looking forward to working together!

PreschoolTLRC Conference Room
KindergartenHS Multi-Purpose Room
Grade 1HS Multi-Purpose Room
Grade 2HS Multi-Purpose Room
Grade 3HS Multi-Purpose Room
Grade 4HS Multi-Purpose Room
Grade 5HS Multi-Purpose Room
NursesClay Elementary
CounselorsAltoona Elementary
Teacher LibrariansTLRC Conference Room
ESOLFour Mile EL Classroom
Title I MathGoogle Meet: https://meet.google.com/svd-sbyn-qtw
Special Education TeachersDelaware Media Center
TAGHS Multi-Purpose Room
Title I Reading & Reading SpecialistsZoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88698360332
Level 3 Alternate Assessment TeachersVirtual Meeting

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Trevor Ragan: Follow Up

We had a great day of learning with Trevor Ragan, and we appreciated the opportunity to learn, reflect, and push our thinking.  Trevor has shared some follow up resources to further support our learning. 

Learner Workbook

This resource include the key points that were covered last Friday, discussion topics, a learner action plan, and links to some of the content mentioned. 


This link includes the skateboarding video, clips related the concept of neuroplasticity as well as coping with fear. 

Below are additional resources related to the topics that Trevor shared.

Jungle TigerGrowth MindsetUnderstanding Fear

Quick Links
Three Tools for Better Practice (article)
Quality Practice (podcast)
Struggling on Purpose (podcast)

Suggested Books
Peak by Anders Ericsson
Self Renewal by John Gardner
The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin
Make it Stick by Peter C. Brown
So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

Quick Links
What We Got Wrong on Growth Mindset (article)
The SFCOHTGGAS (article)
Skills are Built (article)
Neuroplasticity (podcast)

Suggested Books
Brain Rules by John Medina
The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge
Mindset by Carol Dweck
Soft-wired by Michael Merzenich
Bounce by Matthew Syed


Quick Links
Reappraising Fear (podcast)
Emotions, Learning & Resilience (podcast)
Overcoming Fear (Trev’s TEDx Talk)

Suggested Books
Emotional Agility by Susan David
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Southeast Polk Professional Learning: Trevor Ragan

We are looking forward to our day of professional learning this Friday, April 15th. We are excited to welcome Trevor Ragan to Southeast Polk.  Trevor is the founder of The Learner Lab (formerly Train Ugly) and presents workshops all over the world. 

As he states on his website, "I speak, write, podcast, and make cool videos-all about learning." Below is a link to his website as well as some learning resources.


Learning Resources

Audiobook-Learner: How to Get Better at Getting Better

The schedule of the day will include 1/2 day district learning and 1/2 day building learning. Trevor Ragan's district presentation will take place in the High School Auditorium. 

Contract Day-8:00 AM-3:30 PM

District Focus Area: Trevor Ragan--A Culture of Learning

Building Focus Areas: Standards-Based Learning, Social-Emotional Learning

8:00 AM-11:00 AM

Secondary: District PD

Elementary: Building PD

12:30 PM-3:30 PM

Secondary: Building PD

Elementary: District PD

We are excited to welcome Trevor Ragan to the Southeast Polk district, and we are looking forward to a great day of learning!

Friday, April 1, 2022

ISASP: Writing Rubrics, Testing Blueprints and Reminders

This blog wraps up our information for the upcoming administration of ISASP.  It will provide information on writing rubrics, testing blueprints, and reminders, including guidelines for testing students who move to our district in late March and April.

Writing Rubrics

One of the changes to ISASP this year is that students will have one writing prompt rather than the two prompts from previous years.  With one prompt, we can really encourage students to 'give their all' to the one prompt.  The Pearson site has writing rubrics for each grade level and possible writing tasks:

  • Informative/Explanatory
  • Opinion/Argument
  • Narrative

These rubrics may be found at the link below:

Testing Blueprints

ISASP provides testing blueprints that reflect ranges for the numbers of questions in each domain as well as the ranges for Depth of Knowledge.  Below are examples for elementary ELA, middle level science, and high school Math.

Collaborative teams may find value in reviewing these ranges both prior to testing as well as during curriculum design and revision. All testing blueprints may be found at the links below:

Students Who Move to Southeast Polk

If a student moves to our district between March 21st-April 8th, we will need to test them unless they have already tested with their previous district.  Please check with Rob or Jo Ellen to determine whether they have been tested.

If a student moves to our district after the testing window opens on April 11th, they do not need to be tested. 

Other Reminders....

Testing Window

Our district window for testing is April 11th-May 6th.  This will be further broken down by grade levels as listed below:

  • Grades 9-11: April 11-April 22
  • Grades 6-8: April 18-April 29
  • Grades 3-5: April 25-May 6

Portal Access/Training

The Pearson Access Portal provides information related to testing including trainings and manuals, test preparation, reporting resources, and information for families. New teachers will need to create an account for training, and returning teachers will want to make sure their password is accurate and/or updated.  To create or update an account, please contact Rob Timmins, Data and Assessment Coordinator. (robert.timmins@southeastpolk.org). 

Any teacher who proctors the assessment is required to take the training.  The training site is now open and available to complete.  Please visit with your building principal regarding the timeline for completing this training.  All training must be completed before the testing window opens on April 11th