Our first week of state testing has been completed, and a big thank you to high school staff and students for helping things run smoothly. This is only the second time we have administered this assessment, and after a year's hiatus, we appreciate everyone's work in providing the best environment for students to demonstrate their learning. Here are a few reminders and reflections from this first week that will help other grade levels as we continue the testing process.
It is beneficial to restart and update Chromebooks prior to testing.
Do not have students log into their Chromebook. Students sign in through TestNav, not Google, which is only available on the Chromebook home screen prior to student login.
Make sure it is TestNav Iowa.
Remind students not to submit until they have checked everything.
Bubble in student information for paper pencil tests.
Username and State ID are NOT the same. Username is right next to the password on the ticket.
Students must complete the STEM survey at the end of the math test or the test will not submit.
Language Arts and Writing--there are 3 subtests and 1 ticket. Once you submit, you may not go back, and there is a break after each subtest to submit. You must do the language test before you can access the writing prompts
Students should not close their laptops until they are finished with all 3 L.A. tests. Otherwise the test needs to be resumed by Rob or another testing administrator.
Your username is your full Southeast Polk email address.
If you don’t remember your password, click on the “Forgot Password” link. Type your email address into both boxes, then click the blue Request Password Reset button. Go to Gmail for directions on resetting your password.
Student Sign In
Have students sign in using the TestNav app on the Chromebook. This works like the EADMS Online Testing app, so students have to be signed out of the Chromebook before they can sign into TestNav.
When the app opens, click on the Iowa button, then sign in using the username and password on the ticket. (If a student chooses the wrong test/state, they can correct that on the sign-in screen by clicking on the person icon in the upper right corner, then clicking “Choose different customer.”)
Sign in using the username and password on the ticket. (If you don’t have a ticket for a student, you can find their username in Infinite Campus. It is their State ID number, located next to their Student ID number on the student summary tab.)
Monitor Student Testing Progress
Proctors can view student testing status, as needed, from the Students in Sessions page in PearsonAccess.
IMPORTANT: Do not click on the Start Session or End Session button on the Sessions page. Rob Timmins will start and end all sessions.
To view the status of individual students:
1. Go to Testing>Sessions, then check the box for the testing session you are proctoring.
2. Click on the Select Tasks dropdown, then click on “Show Students in Sessions & Control Sessions.”
3. Under Session List, click on the session you selected.
4. Under filters, type your last name into the Group box, then select your Advisement/1st period group. You should now see only your Advisement students. There is a “Toggle secondary filters” link for additional ways to filter your student list.
5. Select Refresh to update the data displayed.
6. Search for the student(s) whose status you want to view. View the student’s status in the Student Test Status column.
• To view more detailed information about the student’s test and item progress, select the student’s test status. The Student Test & Item Progress screen will display.
A Student Test Status Key appears on the Students in Sessions page by individual test session for quick reference. The following table provides a complete student status list and explanations.
Resuming a Test
When testing over multiple days or signing back in to TestNav after a break, tests must first be resumed in PearsonAccess. Only students in Active or Exited status can be resumed.
To resume a test:
1. Find your group on the session page using the directions above for monitoring a session.
2. There are two ways to resume a test: (1) resume all student tests or (2) resume an
individual student’s test.
a. To resume all student tests: Select the checkbox at the top on the left of the
student data grid or the checkboxes next to individual students.
Note: If you select the checkbox at the top on the left, it will automatically select
all the students on that page (up to 25 students). If you have more than 25
students in your test session, at the bottom of the page, select the next page to
select additional students before proceeding to the next step.
ii. Select the dropdown menu to the right of the Start button and select
Student Test Statuses.
iii. On the resume Student Tests tab, select the checkbox at the top on the
left of the student data grid to confirm your selections. Select Resume.
b. To resume an individual student’s test: In the Student Test Status column,
select the dropdown next to the student’s status and select either Resume or
Resume Upload (only one option will display, and the displayed option depends
on how the student exited the test).
When resuming a test, students will use the same testing ticket to sign back in to TestNav.
When the student signs back in, he or she will select Resume to continue testing.
Directions for Administering the ISASP start on page 25 of the Test Administration Manual
Reading: p. 25
Language/Writing: p. 27
Language: p. 28
Writing Prompt #1: p. 30
Writing Prompt #2: p. 34
Math: p. 37
Science: p. 40