Monday, November 30, 2020

Workshop Wednesday: Newsela

Our next Workshop Wednesday will be on December 2nd at 7:30 AM for secondary teachers and 2:30 PM for elementary teachers.  Our focus will be on using Newsela in an online learning environment.  Many of you have already used Newsela, so these sessions will focus on specific uses.

Secondary: Authentic application of literacy across all subject areas, inquiry design model, novel studies, and integration with Canvas.

Elementary: Curriculum connections with ReadyGen, novel studies, text sets aligned to Southeast Polk's Cross-Curricular pacing guide, and integration with Classroom. In addition, Jamie Gilchrist will work with teachers on how to submit assignments through Google Classroom. 

To participate in the Workshop Wednesday, click on the link below:

If you are new to Newsela, there is an introductory video on the 'On Demand' page of the Southeast Polk Professional Development Site.

Additional information regarding Workshop Wednesdays and On Demand professional learning opportunities may be found on the Southeast Polk Professional Development site. 

Monday, November 23, 2020

Remote Learning Resources

Today's blog includes resources to support remote learning, including a follow up to last week's 'Workshop Wednesday', and some tips for maximizing the Zoom platform.

The 'Workshop Wednesday' page has been updated to include the video recording of Remote Routines and Strategies.  Our next session will be held on Wednesday, December 2nd and will focus on new updates in Newsela, including integration with both Canvas and Google Classroom.

SEP Professional Development: Workshop Wednesdays

As we move to remote learning, I am including a resource from our "On Demand" professional development sessions that includes tips and training on using the Zoom platform.  The district upgraded to a new version at the beginning of the school year, and there are additional features to help support remote instruction.  The first document shows how to establish settings that allow you to record the speaker and the shared screen, but not the gallery.  This helps protect student privacy.  The second document has tips and training links on using the different features of Zoom, including breakout rooms and polls.

Zoom for Educators

We appreciate all of the hard work that it takes to change pathways in order to support students during the pandemic.  Thank you for your efforts, dedication, and commitment to the Southeast Polk community. 

Monday, November 16, 2020

Workshop Wednesday: November 18th

Our first Workshop Wednesday will be this Wednesday, November 18th.  We will have different learning topics for secondary and elementary.

Secondary: Establishing Routines for Remote Learning

  • Creating norms and expectations for both live and on-demand learning
  • Developing and teaching organizational and procedural routines
  • Working with families to establish routines and create a learning environment
These workshops are optional. If you would like to participate, please join at the Zoom link below:

Establishing Routines for Remote Learning

7:30 AM-8:00 AM
Wednesday, November 18th

Elementary: Setting up Google Sites for Remote Learning

  • Developing a class blueprint
  • Building on the remote learning foundation
  • Resources for teachers and families
These workshops are optional. If you would like to participate, please join at the Zoom link below:

Setting up Google Sites for Remote Learning

2:30 PM-3:00 PM
Wednesday, November 18th

Information for both of these workshop sessions will be on the Southeast Polk Professional Development Site

Friday, November 13, 2020

Supporting Hybrid Learning: Secondary

As we prepare to move to the Hybrid 2 pathway, today's blog will provide resources and guidance for providing instruction online.  It will include:

  • Resources to support the Hybrid 2 learning pathway
  • Social Emotional Learning resources
  • Upcoming information on 'Workshop Wednesdays'

Our goal at Southeast Polk is to continue to provide instruction in the safest pathway possible.  We will continue our mitigation strategies that allow us to meet with students in a face to face format.  The resources below will provide support as we transition between pathways based on the health and safety of students, staff, and community.

Supporting Hybrid Learning: Elementary

As we prepare to move to the Hybrid 2 pathway, today's blog will provide resources and guidance for providing instruction online.  It will include:

  • Steps to consider for potential temporary moves to remote learning
  • A link to a document shared with families outlining expectations for remote learning
  • A link to a Google site for elementary teams to share their remote learning resources
  • Upcoming information on 'Workshop Wednesdays'

Our goal at Southeast Polk is to continue to provide instruction in the safest pathway possible.  We will continue our mitigation strategies that allow us to meet with students in a face to face format.  However, there may be times when a grade level or building needs to move to the remote pathway due to exposures and absences.  The steps below are designed to support collaborative teams in making this transition as needed.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Elementary Collaboration: November 4th

As we approach the first trimester grading period, remote teachers and teachers at the building will have a chance to collaborate and discuss grades for students who have been in both pathways for this reporting period.  Meetings will be held virtually for teachers from Altoona, Clay, Four Mile, and Mitchellville on November 4th. Each building team has been scheduled individually, and you may join the Zoom link at the time for your grade level.  Below is the schedule for tomorrow, November 4th.

Grade Level



Zoom Link


  • Altoona 2:30

  • Clay 2:45

  • Four Mile 3:00

  • Mitchellville 3:15


Zoom Link


  • Altoona 2:30

  • Clay 2:45

  • Four Mile 3:00

  • Mitchellville 3:15


Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 850 3566 0696              Passcode: 254036


  • Altoona 2:30

  • Clay 2:45

  • Four Mile 3:00

  • Mitchellville 3:15


Zoom Link


  • Altoona 2:30

  • Clay 2:45

  • Four Mile 3:00

  • Mitchellville 3:15


Zoom Link


  • Altoona 2:30

  • Clay 2:45

  • Four Mile 3:00

  • Mitchellville 3:15



Zoom Link


  • Altoona 2:30

  • Clay 2:45

  • Four Mile 3:00

  • Mitchellville 3:15


Special Education

Zoom Link


  • Altoona 2:00

  • Clay 2:15

  • Four Mile 2:30

  • Mitchellville 2:45