Friday, September 28, 2018

September Professional Learning Follow Up

September was a busy month for professional learning with elementary job-alike collaboration, secondary job-alike collaboration, safety and security training, learning management system training, and more learning around standards-referenced grading.  A big thank you to curriculum coordinators, building principals, and teacher leaders for all of your work in planning and supporting these opportunities.  And the biggest thank you to all educators who value continuous learning and growth and provide input and feedback for the content of these days. 

This week's blog has a follow up from these sessions and includes:

  • Access to the Standards-Based Learning site
  • An opportunity to participate on the grading and reporting leadership team
  • Frequently asked questions for Elementary Science
  • An onsite course opportunity to support teaching Elementary Science

Standards-Based Learning

The Southeast Polk Grading and Reporting Leadership Team is over 50 members strong.  We have 5 work groups this year: Assessments and Proficiency Scales, Behavior Reporting, Communication, Letter Grades and Reporting, and Feedback. If you would like to participate on one of these work groups, please submit this form

We have a google site that houses our work and the action plan for next steps. It includes a calendar of work and resources as well.  You may access this site below:

Elementary Science

Below is information to support implementation of our new Elementary Science instructional materials.



Are there District-wide CFA's created for science?
During summer curriculum work, The Kindergarten and 5th grade teams created a CFA or CFA’s. These can be found in the assessment folders on the T&L page. These do not need to be administered through I/O at this time. As we add more, the team will decide if they should be in I/O.   Only the district assessments are required to be put into I/O.

How are we using proficiency scales in science?
As of September 24th, all of the proficiency scales have been completed. As we continue with our science curriculum work, we will be evaluating/revising and aligning our district assessments and proficiency scales for science.  Your teams are encourage to utilize the scales as you plan instruction and assessment. They are found on the T&L page.

What about the timing of district assessments?
The science curriculum team has identified three unit assessments to be reported out in I/O for this year. They have recommended one per trimester. They are highlighted in blue on the K-5 science overview document and can be found in the assessment folders.  Because our materials are new, Rob is going to leave the testing window in I/O open for the entire year.  So there is no hard deadline this year for those assessments.

For the district I/O assessments are student copies available?
It is highly recommended that 3rd - 5th use the online option for I/O testing.  In grades K-2, your team can request set(s) of printed copies by sending an email to

Have the Report Cards for 1st & 2nd Grade been updated to reflect new science units?
Yes, the Report Card has been updated. The Earth & Space unit has been added to 1st grade.  There will be an adjustment to the descriptions of 1,2,3,4 (to match proficiency scales) for the 2019-20 report card.   


Is there a pacing guide available for science?  
There is not a strict pacing guide available for science.  There are some estimates provided on the K-5 science overview document.  These could be different depending on how you structure for Science and Social Studies days/times.  Please remember at a minimum to follow the Elementary Time Allotments guidelines.  As we become more familiar with the new resources, a more detailed pacing guide will be created.  

Do we have to follow the unit sequence that is recommended?
Not at this time.  The sequence of units for science have been adjusted to maximize the integration of the non-fiction ELA reading materials.  In the future, the sequence of science will be more uniform.

Where can I find the more information on the science standards?
The Unit Design documents have a detailed breakdown of each standard. They are arranged by units.  There you will find Enduring Understandings, Essential Questions, Vocabulary, and other content and links.  
There will be a course offered beginning in October to help deepen understanding of the “what”  “why” and “how” of the new standards. Topics include science phenomena, three-dimensional learning, assessing alignment of lessons/units.   The registration link is DR461461011901

What resources exist for cross curricular integration?
At this time, we have adjusted the science unit sequence to include as much of the new ELA reading materials as possible.  This creates a greater opportunity to provide some additional science learning and/or reinforcement of current science learning.  In the future, we will also be looking at other opportunities/resources to integrate other content areas.

How do I decide what resources to use for science?
Southeast Polk is fortunate to now have a multitude of quality, standards based science resources available to teachers.  Using the K-5 science overview document there are several additional resources listed by unit and in the right hand resources column.  Teacher teams may decide if and how to incorporate those into a unit. These could be used as supplemental, for re-teaching, enrichment, or in place of another resource.  If you are looking for alternate aligned resources for your current or future science unit please contact for more support.

Teach TCI / technical

How do I get a Guest Teacher (sub) Login for TCI?
If you would like to have access for a guest teacher, please submit a tech ticket.

How does a student login on Laptops/Desktops?
The steps are the same for students as teachers.  The sign-in is through the “Waffle” on their school email.  More detailed instructions can be found Here.

How can a student login to TCI on Ipads?
The process is a bit more complex than with a PC. We are working on a shortcut to help with that. If you are needing assistance contact or submit a tech ticket.

How are classroom rosters determined, and how can I add more students?
Rosters are determined through your buildings Infinite Campus.  We are aware that there are some issues with some teachers and/or rosters. We are working on solutions. In the meantime, please submit a tech ticket or contact for support.

Who supplies/prints the placards for each unit?
Placards are small (usually 8 ½ x 11) reusable signs that are incorporated into some of the TCI lessons.  Once your team determines which of these you will use, teams can arrange printing through their building printing procedures (print shop).  It is recommended that they be printed on card stock and/or laminated.

Project Lead the Way

Which PLTW Launch Modules are we teaching?  
In the K-5 science overview document the curriculum team has identified one module (highlighted in yellow) for each grade for the entire district.  Work with your principal if you require any consumable materials for this module. In addition to the one identified module, some grades have additional modules noted as these are aligned with our science standards. Although not required, these additional modules are highly recommended and other resources such as TCI can be used as supplemental.

How do I use both PLTW & TCI?
In units where there is alignment to the science standards, it is highly recommended that you incorporate the PLTW Launch module and use the other resources such as TCI as supplemental.  It is up to each team or building to decide when and how additional Launch modules will be taught. As we continue to use all of these new materials we will gain more precision with scope, sequence and pacing as well as how we can “blend” resources.

What about access to PLTW and obtaining kit resources?
All teachers that have participated in the PLTW training course have access to all online student and teacher materials for K-5 modules.  The site is  If you have not participated in the PLTW Launch training, a course is being created beginning in October. You will receive registration information no later than Oct 8th, 2018.  In the meantime, you may use any credentialed teachers login information as the PLTW system allows for multiple teacher users.
If you are in need of materials or refills please contact your principal.  Many of the consumable items are much cheaper to purchase locally.

Teach TCI investigation kits

Which TCI Kit materials do I use?
Each K-5 teacher received a full set of lab/investigation kits for the entire TCI curriculum. Depending on the grade you will have anywhere from 2 to 5 plastic bins.  The kit inventory can be found in this Folder.  It is unlikely you will be using all of the materials. As we continue work with these new materials we will determine which investigations will be utilized.

What if my kit includes live specimens?
The kits for 1st, 3rd and 4th contain a voucher for live specimens related to Life Science unit lessons.  Be sure to plan ahead and follow the instructions on the voucher if you wish to receive these for the applicable life science unit.  You are not required to obtain these. Additional materials materials such as food, bedding, habitat may be required. Each teacher can decide how they want to deal with the creatures after the unit (keep, adopt out, find a new habitat etc..)  Costs associated with specimens/materials are individual building budget items.

What about replacing the kit consumables?
If you are in need of materials or refills please contact your principal.  Many of the consumable items are much cheaper to purchase locally.

Extra building science support schedule

10/4/18 9-4:15
STEM room
10/9/18 9-4:15
Media center
10/11/18 9-4:15
Media center
Four Mile
10/12/18 9-4:15
STEM room
10/22/18 9-4:15
Media center
10/23/18 9-4:15
Science room
11/1/18 9-4:15
Media center
11/6/18 9:4:15
Large Conference

Elementary Science Course Sign-Up and Registration

There will again be a course offered beginning in October to help deepen understanding of the “what”, "why" and “how” of the new science standards. Topics include science phenomena, three-dimensional learning, assessing alignment of lessons/units. There will be one face to face meeting to start and the remainder will be an online Canvas course.  There is no cost and 1  licensure credit is available. 

First meeting is October 25th 4:15-5:45 location TBD.  The course will wrap up by December 13th.

The registration link is: DR461461011901  

Friday, September 21, 2018

District Professional Development--September 24th

We are looking forward to our day of professional learning on Monday.  Below is the overall schedule of the day:

  • Elementary-Safety and Security
  • Secondary-Standards Referenced Learning


  • Secondary-Canvas
  • Elementary-Standards Referenced Learning

Elementary Professional Development

Safety and Security: Active Shooter Trainings

Session I: 8:00-9:30am
Location: Altoona Elementary
Schools: Altoona, Clay, Mitchellville, Willowbrook

Session II: 9:45-11:15am
Location: Altoona Elementary
Schools: Centennial, Delaware, Four Mile, Runnells

Standards-Based Learning: Proficiency Scales

Preschool: Delaware Elementary, Coaching Room
Kindergarten: Clay Elementary, Media Center
1st-5th Grade Teachers: Altoona Elementary-Gymnasium

  • Teacher Librarians, ESOL, Title I, TAG, Reading Specialists, Special Education--please join the grade level you work with the most frequently.
  • Presentation for teachers may be found here.

Art, Music, PE--Willowbrook Elementary
Counselors--Altoona Elementary


Standards-Based Learning
Location: Jr. High
Sharing Across Content Areas--8:00-9:15

  • Group Assignments may be found here.
  • Building Assignments may be found here.

Next Level of Work to Support SBL--9:30-11:30
Location: Jr. High
Building Assignments may be found here.

Learning Management System-Canvas
Location: Jr. High Auditorium

Monday, September 17, 2018

Secondary Collaboration-September 19th

Our secondary job-alike collaboration will take place this Wednesday, September 19th.  The focus of our work will be sharing ideas and implementation related to standards-referenced learning. We will start at 7:30 AM.  Teams may report to the locations listed below. All teams include 6-12 teachers.  The presentation to guide the morning's work may be found here.

Vocal MusicJH Music area
Instrumental MusicJH Music area
ArtHS S108
PE/HealthJunior High Room 180
World LanguageHS N148
ELA, ESOL, TAGSpring Creek Media Center
MathSpring Creek Science Lab
ScienceJunior High Rm 223
Social Studies Spring Creek Coaches Office
GuidanceSpring Creek Conf. Rm.
Special Ed HS Multipurpose room

Please bring your completed reflection sheet to this collaboration.

We look forward to our work on Wednesday.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Youth Enrichment League/Elementary Collaboration

Southeast Polk is partnering with Youth Enrichment League to offer after school classes for students.  The YEL mission is to engage students to think, learn, and play well. This fall, classes will be offered in chess, robotics with legos, and STEM.  For more information on these courses, please visit the link below:

Elementary Collaboration

Our first collaboration for elementary teachers will be held Wednesday, September 12. The focus of the work will be the implementation of our new science curriculum materials.  Prior to Wednesday, we would like all science teachers to make a copy of the document below, complete, and save.  Please bring this completed document, a charged device, and a pen/pencil and paper to the collaboration sessions on Wednesday. 

Our meeting time on Wednesday will be from 2:30-4:00 PM.  Below are the reporting locations for each team.

Collaborative Team
Delaware Media Center
Clay Media Center
Grade 1
Four Mile Media Center
Grade 2
Willowbrook Media Center
Grade 3
Mitchellville Media Center
Grade 4
Altoona Media Center
Grade 5
Delaware Coaching Room
Centennial Counseling Office
Clay Elementary
Teacher Librarians
Four Mile Media Center
Centennial Elementary
Centennial Elementary
Centennial Elementary
As communicated by coordinator
Title I Math
As communicated by coordinator
As communicated by coordinator
Title I Reading & Reading Specialists
As communicated by coordinator
Special Education Teachers
As communicated by director

We look forward to collaborating and learning more about our science materials on Wednesday!