Model Teachers,
Thank you for providing your leadership and expertise to our district
Below is a summary of the grant application for model
Model teachers teach
full time in addition to fulfilling the following job goal:
To assist teachers in
overcoming obstacles that impedes their performance and development through
modeling exceptional teaching practice.
- Welcome
classroom observers and teach model lessons.
- Take
on facilitative roles with Professional Learning Community (PLC)
- Model
action research and participation in the data team and peer review
- Analyze
classroom data for submission to the District PD Committee.
- Provide inputs to the District PD Steering Committee. Participate
in instructional rounds, various cadres, and ad hoc committee work.
- Supervise student teachers.
- Establish and demonstrate positive human relations and model a
commitment to continuous improvement
- Model teachers work 5 additional contract days
Options for Additional Contract Days.
Day 1
- District Professional Development for Model Teachers
- Teaching and Learning Initiatives
- Best Practices for Supervising Student Teachers
- Options
- June 11th OR
- June 19th
- Curriculum Work
- Trainings
- Professional Development
- Student Teacher Supervision (1 day per semester)
, Opportunities in June
o Summer Curriculum Work
(link to calendar)
o Trainings and Conferences
o Professional Development
§ Heartland AEA
- Contact/Connect with Curriculum
- Application for professional development (coming soon)
- Similar to TQ process
- Form for communication
(link to form)
A Movenote with more information for model teachers may be accessed below:
Movenote for Model Teachers