Monday, April 7, 2014

Summer Professional Learning--2014

Summer Professional Learning Opportunities

Welcome to our summer professional development blog.  This blog includes:
·        Site-Based Learning Opportunities
·        AEA Learning Opportunities
·        Teacher Quality Application Form
This blog will be updated between now and the end of the school year--be sure to check back often for new courses and registration links!

Southeast Polk Professional Development Calendar

Site-Based Learning Opportunities*
*No TQ form required--payroll sheets will be provided at the course
This summer, many teachers will be working with leadership from the curriculum coaches to articulate curriculum and design assessments to align with the Iowa Core.  In addition, the curriculum team and teacher leaders will be offering courses that are eligible for teacher quality funding ($25 an hour up to $375). All  courses listed in this section are eligible for Teacher Quality funding. These district courses are pre-approved for funding. Once you register, no further action is needed. You will complete payroll sheets onsite at the completion of the course.

Available Site-Based Courses (please scroll through blog for course descriptions and registration information)

·        Google in the Classroom (COURSE IS FULL)
·        Student-Centered Classrooms: Student Engagement vs. Teacher Lecture 
·        Maximizing the Potential of Co-Teaching Teams
·        The Outdoor Classroom Science Workshop
·        Using Close Reads and Writing to Learn Activities in the K-6 Classroom
·        Using Technology to Enhance Human Growth and Development Instruction
·        Creating Quality Assessments
·        Best Practices in Mathematics
·        Assessing Math Concepts

Google in the Classroom
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers
Instructor: Jamie Fath
Dates: ONLINE July 7-August 10, 2014
Location: ONLINE
Credit Available: 1 Renewal Credit or 1 Graduate Credit

An essential component of the 21st century classroom is the use of digital technology. Digital tools not only provide the productivity means to accomplish tasks like previous software, but they create an environment for collaboration, sharing of learning, ongoing per- and self-assessment, and formative guidance and feedback from instructors. Southeast Polk is committed to continuing to use Google Apps for Education with our students. This course examines how to use Google Apps in the 21st century classroom as digital tools enhancing collaboration, creativity, and improved student communication.
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (Course is full--you may register for the wait list if spots become available)

Student-Centered Classrooms: Student Engagement vs Teacher Lecture
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers
Instructor: Julie Hengstenberg and Kim Powell
Dates:June 16-June 17
Location: Four Mile Elementary Media Center
Credit Available: 1 Renewal Credit or 1 Graduate Credit
Times: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

This class is designed to focus on a clearer understanding of what is meant by student centered learning and productive group work in the classroom. We will examine many, many ways to have students directly involved and invested in the discovery of their own knowledge. We will discuss how to create organized and interconnected experiences to support students to make connections to key concepts. We will also discuss how to use student interest, reflecting on their own learning, and sharing their findings with peers.

Maximizing the Potential of Co-Teaching Teams   
Target Audience: 6-12 Special Educators and General Educators in Co-Teaching Teams & Instructional Leaders Who Support Co-Teaching Teams
Instructors:  Jason Dagel and Chris Allen
Dates:  6/4 and 6/5
Times: 8:00-4:30
Location: High School Multi-Purpose Room
Credit Available: 1 staff development or 1 graduate credit

This course is designed to help co-teaching teams unlock the potential often left untapped in co-teaching teams.  Emphasis will be placed on understanding the basics of co-teaching, the use of co-teaching in the gradual release of responsibility framework, the role of formative assessment to drive co-teaching instruction tied to Iowa Core Standards, appropriate planning for all students (including modification), and strategies for building the co-teaching team through planning.  Participants will be exposed to research supporting elements of the co-teaching model, strategies for effective use of planning time, and practical examples of roles and responsibilities for the co-teachers.  Emphasis will be placed on building a classroom culture of differentiation to support co-teaching and strategies for ensuring parity for the team and a meaningful role for both co-teachers.  It is highly recommended that teachers attend this opportunity with their co-teaching partner, as time will be spent working together to build practical solutions for common issues.

The Outdoor Classroom Science Workshop
Target Audience: Science Teachers
Instructor: Jim Pifer
Dates: June 30th and July 1
Times: 8:00-4:30
Location: Metro Waste Environmental Learning Center
Credit Available: 1 graduate or 1 staff development

Participants will complete hands-on outdoor learning activities. Opportunities to collaborate with other educators about outdoor learning. Develop unit and lesson plans that correlate directly to science standards. Learn how to build upon children’s sense of wonder about the world around them through relevant, inquiry-based exploration and study. This workshop will show you how to integrate all areas of science in working in an outdoor environment. Learn about resources available to support your outdoor activities.

Using Close Reads and Writing to Learn Activities in the K-6 Classroom
Target Audience: K-6 Teachers
Instructor: Jennifer Houlette, Kirsten Aguiniga, Jamie Hill
Dates: July 8th and 9th
Times: 8:00-4:00
Location: Delaware Elementary Media Center
Credit Available: 1 graduate or 1 staff development

The Using Close Reads and Write to Learn Activities in the K-6 Classroom course will focus on the components of a structured Close Read lesson as well as the integration of useful Write to Learn strategies to extend students' thinking. We will introduce the research supporting the use of close reads to deepen comprehension. Throughout the course we will focus on the framework of the Gradual Release Model to create and implement Close Reads. Copies of fiction and nonfiction texts at different grade levels will be used in modeling, exploring, and developing Close Read questions and lessons. Further extensions of Write to Learn strategies will be explored to strengthen the connection between reading and writing. Participants will have time to research and find complex text that is appropriate for their grade level and units of study. Using the selected text, participants will then design a lesson integrating both Close Read and Write to Learn strategies.

Using Technology to Enhance Human Growth and Development Instruction
Instructors: Amy Chebuhar, Jamie Fath
Dates: June 9th and 10th, 2014
Times: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Location: Clay Elementary Science Lab
License Renewal: 1
Nursing CEU's: 1.5

Description: This course is appropriate for anyone who teaches human growth and development lessons in grades K-12.  During this two-day workshop, participants will learn how to evaluate online health resources and applications for quality and accuracy.  Participants will explore websites and applications that contain information and materials appropriate for various human growth and development lessons.  We will critique electronic sources and create a bank of human growth and development lessons appropriate for grades K-12 utilizing technology.  An appraisal tool, DISCERN, will be introduced and we will briefly explore the TIGER Initiative and Health Care Informatics and how they pertain to school health and school nursing practice.  This class also includes a basic overview of iPads and applications.

Creating Quality Assessments
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers
Instructors: Jayne Beecham, Amy Johannsen, Jody Hurd
Dates: June 6, 9
Times: 8:00-4:00
Location: Spring Creek Library
Credit Available: 1 graduate or 1 staff development
Writing assessment questions is a science!  Participants will learn how to develop a balanced assessment plan for the classroom.  Topics include question types, depth of knowledge, distractors, test blueprints, cognitive rigor, and adaptation of Bloom’s Taxonomy to assessment .  This course is designed for any teacher interested in creating quality formative and summative assessments to use in the classroom.

Best Practices in Mathematics
Target Audience: PK-6 Math teachers (Gen. Ed., Special Ed., Title I)
Instructors: AEA Staff; Denise Carlson and Vickie Borich
Dates: July 14-17
Times: 8:00-4:00
Location: Spring Creek Library
Credit Available: 2 graduate or 2 staff development

Back by popular demand!  This course was offered last summer to the first 30 teachers who signed up and will be offered again this summer.  Participants will learn multiple strategies for teaching math in ways that deepen student understanding.  Topics include composing and decomposing numbers, rates, ratios, subitizing, problem solving strategies, value of a number, CRA model, Iowa Core and the 8 Standards for Mathematical Practice.

Assessing Math Concepts
Instructors: AEA Staff; Denise Carlson and Vickie Borich
Target Audience: K-5 Special Ed. Math Teachers
Dates: July 25, 29
Times: 8:30-4:00
Location: Willowbrook Elementary
Credit Available: 1 graduate or 1 staff development

Participants will learn to use nine assessments developed by Kathy Richardson entitled, "Assessing Math Concepts." The class will prepare teachers to implement the diagnostic assessments in their classroom and use the data gathered to make instructional decisions. According to Richardson, "The assessments are not about “helping children be right,” but about uncovering what they need regarding instruction."

AEA Learning Opportunities*

The courses below align with district goals or match up to needs in the summer professional development survey.  Most courses are offered through the AEA, and you may register on the Heartland site.  
*All  courses listed in this section are eligible for Teacher Quality funding. To apply for TQ funding ($25 an hour up to $375) for these courses, please complete the form found at the link below:

When you have completed your course, please submit a course transcript and a payroll sheet to Dianna Webb for payment.

Early Childhood Math   June 4 and 5

Using Visuals to Build Social Emotional Competencies: A Make and Take Class
June 9 and 12

Early Childhood Technology (Basic class)   June 17 and 18

Projects of Studies   June 19 and 20

Early Childhood Paraprofessional   June 23-27 and June 30  Ames Office

Early Childhood Technology Part 2 (More advanced class)  July 15 and 16

Handwriting without Tears   July 23 and 24

Introduction to Creative Curriculum - August 4 and 5

Introduction to Assessment & Intervention Strategies to Promote Social Competence  July 28 and 29

Engaging Your Students in STEM with Technology Using Models K-12   June 16 & 17

Our Kids Summer Institute  June 24-25  See flyer for more information.

Visual Phonics 1   July 21-22

Best Practices in Social Studies Institute Program  June 24-25  See flyer for more information.  

Examining: Engaging Troubling Students: A Constructivist Approach  online June 11 - August 8

Mental Health in Schools: July 31 & August 7 (+online)

A Practical Approach to Educating Students in Poverty  June 30 & July 1

Celebrating Diversity: African Cultures  June 10 & 11

Celebrating Diversity: Asian American Culture  July  7 & 8
Celebrating Diversity: Latino Culture July 28, 29, 30, 31 & August 1

Celebrating Diversity: Art, Dance, Music and Drama  June 12, 13 *NEW COURSE ADDED*

Iowa Writing Project Level I Institute: Studies in the Teaching of Writing and Uses of Writing to Learn Stillwell Jr. High, WDM July 7-25 See flyer for more information.
Integrating Story Retell, Close Reading, and Robust Vocabulary in the Elementary Classroom. June 18th-19th.  IS019592111501.

Differentiation Language Arts Standards for the K-12 Advanced Learner* June 23 OR June 24--Ramada Tropics, Urbandale.
*Please note that this is a 1-day workshop opportunity and will not be available for credit.

Teacher Quality Application Form

If the courses offered above do not align with your content, you may take a course outside the district. To apply for TQ funding ($25 an hour up to $375) for courses outside the district, please complete the form found at the link below:

Remember: This form is for courses outside of the district--not for the courses listed above.
When you have completed your course, please submit a course transcript and a payroll sheet to Dianna Webb for payment.

More registration information will be coming soon.  All registrations and Teacher Quality Course applications are due by May 30th.