Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday Favorites: Reflect, Recharge, Renew

I am always amused (somewhat) by my friends who comment that teachers are so lucky to have their summers off.  Those in education know that it is a full-time, year-round job.  When we are not teaching students, we are reflecting on lessons, thinking of creative ideas, and keeping current with innovative trends.  We finish and pack up a school year and quickly begin preparing for the next group of students.  Summer means course work, curriculum planning, assessment design, peer collaboration, and getting caught up with both professional and personal reading.  I always look forward to my summer reading list--what's on your list this summer?

And of course, summer is also a time to relax and spend time with family and friends.  It gives us the opportunity to rest and recharge for the next school year.  The curriculum blog will be taking some time off this summer, perhaps publishing a few times, and then we will be up and running again next school year.  We appreciate the feedback and comments we have received.  We will send the blog to all staff for a few weeks at the beginning of the school year, and then if you would like to stay connected, please subscribe or follow the blog.  Congratulations on a tremendous school year, and enjoy your time this summer--it is time well deserved!

--The SEP Curriculum Team

Can Schools Close the Gap?
Mike Schmoker asserts in this article that the schools that close the learning gap for students, particularly those in poverty, increase the amount of time that students spend on purposeful, close reading, discussion, and writing.   Collectively, staff did a great job of closing this gap during the 2011-2012 school year.  The ideas in this article exemplify your work.

Can Schools Close the Gap

New York Times Learning Blog
Are your students reading the books from "The Hunger Games?"  The New York Times Learning Blog features lessons in this post-Hunger Games' Science: Investigating Genetically Engineered Organisms.  If you are interested in receiving lesson plans for use with the New York Times, you may subscribe to receive emails (at no cost) at the following link: The Learning Network.

Technology and Multitasking
"For a generation of children immersed in technology, emerging research suggests that while the temptation to multitask may be pervasive, the ability to control it could be the real bellwether of academic success."  
This article from Education Week, Studies on Multitasking Highlight Value of Self Control, highlights emerging research on the way the brain copes with information overload.  One of my summer goals is to continue to explore how technology can enhance learning, use technology to increase productivity and focus, and study how technology has fundamentally changed the way students process and learn new ideas.

Technology and Teaching
Many of you are also exploring how technology can strengthen teaching and learning (as well as engage our wired generation of students!).  This is evident by the tremendous response to the iPads in the Classroom course being offered this summer.  Here is a link that has 50 Resources for iPad Use in the Classroom.

Thank you to all staff who made the 2011-2012 school year such a great learning experience for our students.  Take some time to reflect, recharge, and renew this summer, and we look forward to continued collaboration for the 2012-2013 school year!

Summer Reading
As mentioned above, summer is a great time to get caught up with our reading.  Are you getting ready for your summer reading?  Don't hit the beach with an empty Kindle or book bag.  If you are looking for some reading ideas, this link has suggestions: 20 Innovative Books for your Summer Reading List.

We invite you to post ideas below--enjoy your summer!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday Focus--Summer Professional Learning

Professional Learning

Summer is a great time for surfing--web-surfing that is.  Below is a compilation from Iowa ASCD of favorite websites from different content areas.  Do you have any favorites to add to the list?  Post ideas below.

  • Career Education
    • Career Education – Iowa Department of Education   The Iowa Department of Education provides guidelines, documents, resources, and links for career education. 
    • School to Careers  Iowa Public Television introduces students to careers through interviews of individuals in various careers. 
    • United States Department of Labor  This page provides a shortcut to information and services the Department of Labor (DOL) offers educators.
    • Youth for Iowa  Iowa Workforce Development has created the Youth for Iowa web site as a resource for Iowa's students and youth. Here Iowa students and youth will find information about child labor laws, job safety, jobs and careers for the future, Iowa labor market information, education resources, additional job resources, and more. 
  • Counseling and Guidance
  • English as a Second Language
  • English/Language Arts
  • Family and Consumer Science
  • Foreign Languages
    • American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Language  This site provides the alignment of national standards for learning languages with the Common Core State Standards as well as resources for teachers.
    • Iowa World Language Association   This site offers tips for teaching foreign language. 
    • Teaching French  This site provides French teachers with teaching tips, games, projects, and other tools.
    • Teaching Spanish  This site provides tips for teaching Spanish, including lesson plans, weekly web sites and other great links.
    • Teaching Spanish  You will find a wealth of information written and vetted by Spanish professors and instructors, including lesson plans, answer keys, and teaching tips.
    • Waivers and Exemptions  The Iowa Department of Education provides guidelines for waivers and exemptions for foreign language.
  • Gifted and Talented
    • Belin-Blank Center   Located at the University of Iowa, the Connie Belin & Jacquelin N. Blank International Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development is a full-service gifted education center that impacts the lives of gifted students, their families, and their educators.
    • Davidson Institute for Talent Development    A national nonprofit dedicated to supporting profoundly gifted students under 18, their parents and educators.
    • Gifted & Talented – Iowa Department of Education  The Iowa DE provides information on gifted and talented programs, including laws/rules/legislation, finance and budget, gifted licensure endorsement, and web sites and resources.
    • Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page The all-things-gifted resource.  Hoagies' Gifted Education Page offers resources, articles, books and links for Parents, for Educators, Counselors, Administrators and other Professionals, and for Kids & Teens.
    • Iowa Acceleration Scale  A tool to help schools make effective decisions regarding a grade-skip. The IAS guides a child study team (including educators, teachers, parents, and other professionals) through a discussion of the academic and social characteristics of the student.
    • Iowa Talented and Gifted Association Iowa's association of interested parents, educators, and concerned citizens is dedicated to meeting the needs of talented and gifted children and youth.
    • National Association for Gifted Children  A non-profit organization of parents, teachers, educators, community leaders and other professionals united to address the unique needs of all children and youth
    • RtI and the Gifted:  Mary Schmidt of AEA 11 shares this wiki, based on her presentation at the Iowa ASCD Curriculum Leadership Academy.
    • More about the Gifted   Access additional resources to meet the needs of the gifted and talented 
  • Health
    • American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance   AAHPERD is the largest organization of professionals supporting and assisting professionals involved in physical education, recreation, fitness, sport and coaching, dance, health education and promotion, and all specialties related to achieving a healthy and active lifestyle.
    • American Association for Health Education The mission of the American Association for Health Education (AAHE) is to advance the profession by serving health educators and others who strive to promote the health of all people through education and other systematic strategies.
    • Health Education – Iowa Department of Education  The DE provides  information on human growth and development, health literacy in the Iowa Core, National Health Education Standards, as well as reports, statistics, and data.
    • Health Literacy – Iowa Core  This site from the Iowa Department of Education allows you to select a grade span and download the health literacy learning expectations.
    • National Health Education Standards  The National Health Education Standards (NHES)1 are written expectations for what students should know and be able to do by grades 2, 5, 8, and 12 to promote personal, family, and community health. The standards provide a framework for curriculum development and selection, instruction, and student assessment in health education.
  • Math
    • Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) is a professional development program based on an integrated program of research focused on (a) the development of students’ mathematical thinking; (b) instruction that influences that development; (c) teachers’ knowledge and beliefs that influence their instructional practices; and (d) the way that teachers’ knowledge, beliefs, and practices are influenced by their understanding of students’ mathematical thinking. Using CGI strategies is an effective way of implementing the Iowa Core Curriculum for Mathematics at the elementary level.
    • Common Core Tools  This site provides an analysis tool to assure alignment with the Iowa Core.  Educators can also join Bill Bush in a blog about the Common Core State Standards; they can also access the learning progressions in all the math domains.
    • Every Student Counts  This Iowa initiative focuses on teaching for understanding, problem-based instructional tasks, and meaningful distributed practice.  
    • Inside Mathematics  Visitors will find classroom examples of innovative teaching methods and insights into student learning, tools for mathematics instruction that teachers can use immediately, and video tours of the ideas and materials on the site.
    • The Illustrative Mathematics Project  This website is currently under development. On completion, it will provide a process for submitting, discussing, reviewing, and publishing tasks. It will also display the standards in multiple views and provide easy access to tasks associated with individual standards and tasks associated with higher order structures in the standards.
    • Khan Academy  With a library of over 2,600 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and 211 practice exercises, The Khan Academy is on a mission to help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace.
    • Lessons and Resources NCTM provides resources, including lessons, problems by grade levels, teaching tips, and even a Family Corner.
    • Math Leadership  Instructional coaches for mathematics will find this site helpful in implementing new mathematics content and practices.
    • Math Mountain by McREL  Math Mountain provides math problems for grades 2-6 as well as web sites with problems, puzzles, and math tips.
    • Mathematics Common Core Coalition   This site features links to various websites of interest along with ideas and opportunities for professional development.
    • National Council of Teachers of Math   NCTM is a public voice of mathematics education supporting teachers to ensure equitable mathematics learning of the highest quality for all students through vision, leadership, professional development and research.
    • Online Geoboard  Students can create/manipulate shapes like they would on a real geoboard.
    • Primary Books Focused on Math  This list was shared with Iowa ASCD by a national consultant for math.
    • PurpleMath  Purplemath's algebra lessons are written with the student in mind. These lessons emphasize the practicalities rather than the technicalities, demonstrating dependable techniques, warning of likely "trick" questions, and pointing out common mistakes.  
    • The Teaching Channel   Visit this site to access more than 55 videos to promote teaching in math.
    • TenMarks is a webbased math program for grades 2 through high school. It encourages students to practice and learn through fun and interactive math exercises that make even the most difficult concepts easy to understand with hints and videos. TenMarks provides teachers and administrators with the tools for assessment and instruction for all 3 tiers of Response to Intervention (RTI). 
    • YouTube Videos for Math  The Hunt Institute has developed these videos for the Common Core Standards and insight into teaching practices to support the standards.
  • Music
  • Physical Education
    • Healthy Kids Act   The purpose of the Healthy Kids Act is to establish physical activity requirements for students in kindergarten through 12th grade and to establish nutritional content standards for food and beverages sold on or provided on school grounds during the school day (first bell to last bell).
    • Highly Qualified Physical Education Teachers   This document identifies the attributes and resources to achieve highly qualified physical education teachers.
    • National Association for Sport and Physical Education   NASPE National Standards for Physical Education and NASPE National Standards for Sport Coaches provide the foundation for a quality PE program and a quality sport program.
    • National Standards for Physical Education  Use the physical education national standards to develop physically-educated individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity. The purpose of the National Standards document is to provide the framework for a quality physical education.
    • Physical Education – Iowa Department of Education The Iowa Department of Education provides information on grants, the President’s challenge, and web site resources.
    • Tools for Observing Quality Physical Education  Use the tools and information on this web site to assess the quality of the physical education program in your school/district.
  • Reading/Literacy
    • KU Center for Research on Learning The Center for Research on Learning encompasses six divisions, each with a slightly different research emphasis. The center studies problems in education and work to place solutions that make a difference into the hands of educators, learners, employers, and policy makers.
    • Literacy – Iowa Core  Iowa's State Board of Education adopted the Common Core State Standards (7/29/2010) and additions (11/17/2010) as part of the Iowa Core in the content areas of literacy. The document reflects the actions of the State Board and are part of the Iowa Core, which all school districts and accredited nonpublic schools are required to fully implement in grades 9-12 by July 1, 2012 and grades K-8 by the 2014-2015 school year.
    • Literacy – Iowa Department of Education  This site provides links to various state-wide literacy initiatives, including Every Child Reads, Reading First, and Second Chance Reading.
    • Strategic Learning  The Strategic Learning Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing literacy and improving achievement for adolescents. We provide professional development, programs, and tools to schools and districts to address the needs of all students.
  • Science
    • Iowa Core Science Standards  This web site of the Iowa Department of Education provides the science standards.
    • Kahn Academy The Kahn Academy offers videos for biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, healthcare and medicine, physics, cosmology and astronomy, and computer science.  YouTube( offers the playlist.
    • NASA Education The NASA web site is a resource for K-12 educators – providing teaching materials, career information, an education image gallery, Quick Links, and a calendar of events to support teachers and students.
    • National Science Education Standards The National Academies Press provides the national science education standards, which are now under review and revision.
    • Science – Iowa Core These science strands of proficiency represent learning goals for students as well as a broad framework for curriculum design. They address the knowledge and reasoning skills that students must acquire to be proficient in science and, ultimately, able to participate in society as educated citizens.
    • Science – Iowa Department of Education The DE provides information on laws/regulations, science in the Iowa Core, partnerships, as well as links to science.
    • Science Fair Projects This science project site provides ideas for students and teachers.
    • Science - "Stunts"   Great examples to get kids interested in science and ask "Why?"
    • The Teaching Channel   Access more than 50 videos by teachers of science.
  • Social Studies
    • Brain Pop  This animated educational web site is especially for kids and their learning about social studies.
    • Creative Writing and Its Role in the Social Studies Classroom  This summary provides rationale and resources for using writing in learning in social studies.
    • Iowa Council for the Social Studies The Iowa Council for the Social Studies is an affiliate of the National Council for the Social Studies.
    • Iowa History Online High quality instructional tools and online access to excellent teaching resources.
    • National Center for History in the Schools  A nationally known organization that has engaged the talents of scores of classroom teachers and provided history educators across the nation with new historical resources and teaching strategies. NCHS’s double mission is (a) to aid the professional development of K-12 history teachers; and (b) to work with teachers to develop curricular materials that will engage students in exciting explorations of United States and World history.
    • National Council for Economic Education A nationwide network that leads in promoting economic literacy with students and their teachers. NCEE's mission is to help students develop the real-life skills they need to succeed: to be able to think and choose responsibly as consumers, savers, investors, citizens, members of the workforce, and effective participants in a global economy.
    • National Council for Geographic Education An organization working to enhance the status and quality of geography teaching and learning.
    • National Council for the Social Studies  Social studies educators teach students the content knowledge, intellectual skills, and civic values necessary for fulfilling the duties of citizenship in a participatory democracy. The mission of National Council for the Social Studies is to provide leadership, service, and support for all social studies educators.
    • Social Studies – Iowa Department of Education The Iowa Department of Education provides information on social studies requirements for teachings, laws and regulations, social studies in the Iowa Core, US Senate Youth Program, National History Days and web sites.
    • The Teaching Channel   This site provides more than 15 videos to support the teaching of history/social studies.
  • Special Education
    • Special Education – Iowa Department of Education The DE provides special education information and resources around assessment, dispute resolution, individual Educational Program (IEP),  parent information, and state guidance and support.all children and youth.
  • Visual Arts
    • Arts Education  Arts education has been on the decline in urban public schools for more than a generation. Since 2005, Wallace has been working with nonprofits and school districts to find out how they might engage more young people in high-quality arts learning during the school day and beyond.  
    • Federal Resources for Educational Excellence Teaching and learning resources from Federal agencies identifies resources in architecture, drawing and prints, painting, photography, sculpture, and other visual arts.
    • National Standards for the Visual Arts Developed by the Consortium of National Arts Education Associations (under the guidance of the National Committee for Standards in the Arts), the National Standards for Arts Education is a document which outlines basic arts learning outcomes integral to the comprehensive K-12 education of every American student.
    • STEM to STEAM  Check out how the STEM initiative is tying in art!
  • Vocational Education
    • Agriculture Education Blogs CASTLE - SchoolTechLeadership provides these blog sites.
    • Iowa Association of Family and Consumer Science IAFCS is the only organization in Iowa representing family and consumer sciences professionals across practice areas and content specializations. Our members provide guidance and practical knowledge about the things of everyday life, including human growth and development, personal behavior, housing and environment, food and nutrition, apparel and textiles, and resource management, so that students and consumers can make sound decisions and enjoy a healthy, productive and more fulfilling life.
    • Iowa Business Education The purpose of the Iowa Business Education Association shall be to discover and serve the needs of business education in Iowa.
  • To all the students, staff, and community who participated in the Tech Expo.  What a great forum for showcasing excellent craftsmanship from Southeast Polk students and students from neighboring communities.
  • To the ELL team for their collaborative work in providing  a strong literacy foundation for students who are learning the English language.
  • To the graduating seniors and all of the educators who have touched their lives throughout their school years.  Best of luck with your post-secondary plans--your efforts and hard work have paid off! 

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”